Today is the day to do things that scare you, that you dreamed of. Starting something new can be both hard and scary. But this is what makes us grow!
Growth and Progression leads us to happiness and dream life. Stop Dreaming, Start doing. Go out of your comfort zone. Start doing things that you were dreaming about, things that are scary to start! How are you going to leave your comfort zone?
To achieve a goal, we need inspiration in the first place and after that a flood of motivation. The catch is that every day and every second demands motivation. Motivation is conducive to having a greater clarity of mind. Even we as humans often aid in motivating our friends, relatives, and other counterparts. And you know, motivation is born from Inspiration…
And, with continuation of that, our Founder Paukstelis Vytautas life dream is to create a place where art is an inspiration of creating a valuable masterpiece which is the feeling and emotions of the artist, which he can express in the form of art. His one of the biggest Dream is to make children and youngsters educate about the art and to provide them resources, so here in Inspiriq we give 20% of our profits to the charity in Lithuania which provides aid to small children to know the beautiful world of art.
So, from that Dream in mind and hopes in heart ‘Paukstelis Vytautas also known as Vee Lee’ started his journey to inspire people about their art and the artist’s emotion behind it…
“Three key ingredients to massive success: hard-work, positive thinking, and most importantly inspiration.” – Vee Lee